The Panamanian
José Caballero, 26 years old, 2nd base, RHB, #76 José Caballero was born on August 30, 1996 in Las Tablas, Panama. He attended Manuel Maria Tejada Roca High School in Panama and spent two seasons at Chipola College in Florida. The Diamondbacks drafted Caballero in 2017. Seattle acquired Caballero in 2019 and he played in the Mariners minor leagues until his MLB debut on April 15, 2023.
The Texan
Bryce Miller, 24 years old starting RHP #50 Bryce Miller was born August 23, 1998, in Mount Pleasant, TX. He attended New Braunfels HS, played one season at Binn College, and three seasons at Texas A&M, so he is an Aggie. The Mariners drafted Miller in 2021 and he played in the minor leagues until he made his MLB debut on May 2, 2023. He is now a starting pitcher.
Hopefully this helps you out on knowing the new Mariners a little bit. Whether they are bigger names, or relievers you may not be as familiar with, we should all be a bit better versed on this seasons Seattle Mariners.