5 replacements for the Mariners after the Ty France injury news

The Ty France injury news is unfortunate, but the Mariners still have options, and here are 5 replacements they could look to make
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Seattle Mariners v San Francisco Giants / Lachlan Cunningham/GettyImages
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After a disappointing 2023 season that saw many Mariners fans calling for Ty France's job, including me. After visiting the magical offensive fix, Driveline baseball, expectations were pretty high for France as many fans were hoping the slugger would revert back to the 2021 and 2022 version of Ty France.

The beginning of the year was a tough one for France and the rest of the Mariners' offense as they trudged through the Month of April as one of the worst offenses in baseball. The offense started to turn things around and France was a big driving force in that. Over the last 30 games, France was hitting .248/.345/.455 with five home runs and 19 RBI. France was a big part of this offense clicking and Servais rewarded him by continuously placing him in the four-hole.

The Mariners were dealt terrible news as France was hit by a pitch (a big part of his game and the subject of controversy) that would prove to be a massive blow. France was hit on the foot, and it resulted in a heel fracture, landing him on the injured list and it seems like he will miss quite a bit of time. The team called up Tyler Locklear to hopefully fill in for France in a similar way Ryan Bliss has provided a nice spark in place of Jorge Polanco.

With Locklear just making his debut, should the team explore external options or let the former second round pick get a solid run at the job? Locklear has dominated in the minor leagues, but the Mariners could look for more proven offense. If they do, let's take a look at some of the options that Jerry Dipoto and Justin Hollander could explore.