Changing of the Guard: A Quick Note to the Readers

Hey, Sodo Mojo’ers, this post is just a quick heads up.

We here at Sodo Mojo are in a process of transition—a changing of the guard as it were— as our faithful co-editors, Dan and Charlie, have moved on to new opportunities.

I thought it’d be a good time to wish them well, and keep you guys informed in the process.

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We’re all sad to see  Dan and Charlie go, as they’ve both helped build Sodo Mojo into a top tier Fansided MLB site over the last few years.

And, personally, Dan was the first guy I talked to here at Sodo Mojo and when I told him I was nervous about the new gig he just kept it simple and encouraged me to be myself. I’m sure the rest of the writing staff would have similar stories to tell.

We wish them the best of luck with their new endeavors!

But—to borrow a phrase—the show must go on!

Things are still in the process, and we’ll likely be rounding out the writing staff with new blood over the next few weeks.

But don’t worry, we’ll still be keeping you updated with the latest Mariner news and speculation coming out of the Peoria…

…and be counting down opening night at Safeco!

P.S.-First Mariners spring game was today at noon! Did any of you guys catch it on Root Sports? I have it recorded and going to watch it now!
