Vote for SodoMojo, Best Seattle Sports Blog

As the Seattle Mariners season winds to a close King5 has started the 2014 Best of Western Washington Sports Blog voting poll.

This is simply a poll of the top sports blogs in Western Washington and yours truly has been nominated.

We are honest, informative, and Sodo Mojo keeps you in the know on everything Mariners while offering thoughtful opinions on everything else.

It is from the fans, for the fans. We don’t get paid to write for this website, we do it out of love for the Seattle Mariners.

Whether it is a strong season, like this year, or a tough season like 2011, we are here to write about the Mariners constantly.

The voting began on September 15th and SodoMojo is currently ranked 9th out of 37 blogs.

Voting ends October 24th so don’t forget to vote.

Voting is simple and easy. First you go to and either sign into your account or make one.

You can register via your twitter, facebook, or your email.

Second, you want to hit the vote button for Sodo Mojo and that is it, quick and simple.

We are already getting support from other FanSided websites, Jacob Misener, editor for Cubbies Crib had this to say.

Votes are pouring in from our readers on Twitter and Facebook, I hope we can count on your vote and I want to thank you personally for continuing to read SodoMojo day in and day out.

As a writer, nothing excites me, and makes me feel more comfortable than going and seeing how many views my post has.

I love writing for SodoMojo, I am surrounded by a group of guys with great knowledge for the game of baseball, we will continue to put our best foot forward with bringing our knowledge to you.

Thank you for your support!
