Felix Hernandez has made a habit of dominating the Red Sox over the years, and last nights performance may have been the most dominant start not only against the Red Sox, but of his career. The start was something special not only due to it laying to rest any worry fans may have had about Felix and his wobbly performances to date, but also because of what his peers had to say in regards to facing him.
You can read the David Ortiz quote from the featured image, but Dustin Pedroria chimmed in as well:
"Dustin Pedroia on Felix tonight: “That’s the best we’ve seen. He was unreal. His stuff was moving all over the place.”Via Tim Booth"
What is it they say about the best form of compliment coming from your colleagues? Something like that anyway.
This may not hav e been a Perfect Game or even a No-No, but that doesn’t mean that this isn’t one of the most dominant pitching performances you’ll see in your lifetime. Not only did Felix induce 13 strikeouts, he created 22 swing and misses, a mark he had yet to reach before this performance.
There is plenty of argument to be made in favor of moving Felix Hernandez. Felix is going to become very expensive very fast. Felix is going to outgrow the team. Felix is only one player and could net us five others. But after what he did last night, isn’t it hard to picture watching the Mariners without Felix Hernandez?