For Every Season…

Over the course of every season we all enjoy baseball in our own way. We look forward to supporting our Mariners and though we hope and pray for a good season we stick with them through the bad times. We do this by going to games, by heading to the forums, calling into talk shows and writing on our blogs.

I’ve been apart of this for the past three seasons and it’s been apart of me in the best way possible. But, everyone supports the team in their own way and I always will. This already has the feeling of a dear john letter, so I’ll just admit that’s entirely what this is.

It’s a good-bye to all of you. Who have supported me and seen me grow as a writer over the last few years. I’ve had a few things that unexpectedly popped up and life plans that have changed. They are certainly good things but still things that are forcing a change in plans.

I’ll be around for a few weeks and I’ll still be here and around as I have time. But not in the same capacity. I can’t say thank you enough for all that have visited, those who have commented and those that sent the wonderful e-mails to encourage me.

This year is going to be a bit of a different year. I’m excited about what could be and I will always have my own opinions. But sadly this the time in which pass the baton onto Matthias, Joel, Keith and Bryant.

I’m not sure who Wally and the rest of the network is going to entrust the site to at this point but I’m sure that they are doing their very best at selecting someone who not only is going to replace me but surpass me and take this site to a new level in content.

Best of luck to the Mariners and to all of you this season.
