Who all has left the Mariners and who has replaced them heading into 2024

The Mariners have seen a ton of changes to their roster. Here's a look at who all has departed, and who has been acquired to replace them for 2024
Seattle Mariners Photo Day
Seattle Mariners Photo Day / Steph Chambers/GettyImages
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We've mentioned it in some of our articles this offseason, and it's going to be the focus of today's article. The Mariners have arguably made the most moves to their team out of anyone in baseball, and if you somehow were under a rock this offseason (or just waiting for the season to start) you are going to be quite surprised looking around the field at the new look Mariners.

The Mariners have seemingly made more trades this offseason than most teams have even made moves this offseason. 12 trades with 11 teams seems like something you would do if you took over a deep fantasy baseball team, or what you would do in MLB The Show if you were trying to totally remake a team. Instead, it was what Dipoto and Hollander did with a team that many think belongs in the playoffs, if not in the conversation for AL West supremacy.

It's enough of a change that the bullpen seems to be about half new guys and half returnees. Meanwhile, the players taking the field will literally be a 50% turnover, and that tips into over half your lineup being new when you add in Mitch Garver at DH, who just so happens to be the largest FA signing for a hitter ever in the Dipoto era... for now.

Who's new? Who's gone? It's easy to forget some of the names, so let's go through it all and see just how different the Mariners will look in 2024. Oh, Anthony DeSclafani, you get special mention here as we all watched you do the Abe Simpson as you walked in, took your hat off, turned around, put your hat back on, and walked right out to Minnesota.