What are the most recent cycles in Mariners' history?

When was the last time the Mariners hit for the cycle? Here are some of the most recent Mariners' to have joined the elite group.
Boston Red Sox v Seattle Mariners
Boston Red Sox v Seattle Mariners / Otto Greule Jr/GettyImages

Let's hop in the way back machine for a moment, as it's going to kick off the point of today's article. It's on the fringes of my memories, right at the time I started paying attention to baseball but not yet understanding it. 5-1/2 years old, we would listen to Mariners games on the radio. We didn't have cable, so we never watched the game as it wasn't on one of the 5-7 channels we had. The radio though, it did the job and transported you into a whole new world.

It's how I grew up with the Mariners, and I can barely remember Jay Buhner going for the cycle back in 1993. I didn't really understand what that was, but everyone was making a big deal about it. Had to be important, right?

Here are the cycles that the Mariners have had in their history

Well, as it turned out, it was the first cycle that the Mariners had ever hit. They had seen three hit against them in their short history up to that point, but this was the first one that the Mariners themselves had ever hit. He started off great that game, going 3-3 through the 5th inning. Luckily for The Bone, the game went to the 14th inning, and he would lead off with a triple to earn the team's first cycle.

Then, just shy of four years after that, the Mariners would have another cycle, this time from their young phenom Alex Rodriguez. Like Buhner, he started off with a homer. Thanks in large part to the Mariners offense exploding that game, Rodriguez hit a triple in the 8th and a double in the 9th to wrap up the cycle, the first one the Mariners had ever hit in "regular time" as a franchise.

June was seemingly a magical month for the Mariners, as we jump ahead 4 years once again. A cycle from Buhner is surprising, as he only had 19 triples and 6 steals in his career. The A-Rod one seemed like a matter of time with how he could fly around the bases. It's the next one that's the most surprising to me. John Olerud actually had the first cycle in the majors after A-Rod, doing so when he was on the Mets. In 2001, he would do it again, this time for the Mariners.

Olerud only had 13 triples in his career. Imagine, 15.4% of the time that you hit a triple, you hit for the cycle. He started double-triple that game, arguably getting the two hardest ones out of the way first. A single in the 5th and reaching on an error in the 7th gave him one more shot in the 9th inning. Olerud would go yard to extend the Mariners lead, becoming one of 29 players in history to hit for multiple cycles in their career.'

If you think that's impressive, Adrian Beltre takes it a notch higher. He was the first Mariners' player to complete the cycle before the 9th inning, tripling to complete the feat in the 8th inning against the Rangers on September 1st, 2008. He really liked cycles in Texas and would become just the 6th player in MLB history to collect three cycles, doing it again in Texas (both times for the Rangers) in 2012 and 2015.

Those are the only four cycles that the Mariners have hit in their history. Who could be next? Is it someone like Julio, who brings the insane all-around talent? Or is it going to be a speedster (Moore, Taylor, Clase, Bliss) who find a homerun the same game they get a triple? How funny would it be if it was Ty France, who lucks into a triple on a missed dive or funny bounce off an outfield wall? Let's hope someone joins the list soon, and earns the Mariners their first cycle since 2008.