Kyle Seager seems to be the consensus candidate at SoDo Mojo, as three out of the four writers in this article have picked him as their president or VP.
DISCLAIMER: This article is meant to be humorous, and should not be taken seriously. So, hold off on your angry comments about how Felix Hernandez will never make America great again. Also, I think we are all tired of hearing people mock Robinson Cano’s hand size. Keep it classy!
Politics are everywhere these days, it is impossible to avoid it. Social media seems to be a non-stop discussion of Donald Trump’s latest antic, and every television “news” network has turned into TNN (the Trump News Network). Keeping with this theme, the staff here at SoDo Mojo has nominated some Seattle Mariners players who would make for intriguing political candidates.
The premise of this article is simple, each writer has nominated one Mariner to run for president and they have also included a running mate. There were no restrictions on who could be chosen, the only caveat was that the players picked had to currently be on the team. Ken Griffey Jr., Edgar Martinez, Jay Buhner and Dan Wilson would have all made for popular choices, but they are not playing for Seattle in 2016, and thus are ineligible for this article.
A baseball player running for office may seem like a crazy notion, but many pundits thought the same thing about a tyrannical reality TV star. The thing about this article that will annoy Mr. Trump the most is that our candidates do not have to be born in the United States to run for president.
Next: Riley is going with a Seager/Furbush ticket