Again, Seriously?

Yep, like that crazy ex-girl friend that you just want to get rid of, I’m back!

Well unless your new to the site and you’re thinking “Who is this guy and why is he talking about being back?” Well, Just in case you missed it, I wrote here previously towards the end of the 2009 season and some of that off-season. Basically if you enjoy reading incomplete published thoughts, I’m kind of a big deal.

But, I liken my return to that of Brett Boone. In 1993 the Mariners traded Boone a long with Erik Hanson, in return for Dan Wilson and Bobby Ayala. In my mind one of the better (if not the best) trade(s) conducted by Woody Woodward during the 90s.

Boone was only worth 2.7 WAR to the Reds during his 4 year stint and Hanson, who left as a free-agent at the end of season, posted a 1.2 WAR for a total of 3.9 WAR.

Dan Wilson was solid for 10 years and produced 14.3 WAR over his Mariner career. Don’t forget we also got Bobby Ayala who, prior his self destruction in ’98, was worth 1.9 WAR.

But when Boonie returned to Seattle it was crazy. He posted 9.3, 3.1 and 7.3 WAR in consecutive seasons. Sure Boonie was most likely juiced. But, uh… 116 wins!

SEA (7 yrs)346719819.620420.4-0.8$36,250,000

But, just like Boonie, I’m going to go all out with my arrival. I have been working on things on my site and I plan on bringing that stuff here. So you’ll see some new things and I’m sure you’ll see the guys that have been here, continue to bring the noise.

So in honor of Boonie, I’m going to drink a Red Bull and prep some awesome content for you all.

As a side note I hope you forget that Boone had that serious Alvin Davis like drop off in 2004 and was traded by 2005 because he was so cancerous. I don’t plan on going out like that… but it could be a cool thought in 3-years pending on how things go.