Deck the Halls

Let me first preface this with the following. I am a huge Brandon Morrow fan. I’m really sorry to see him go and I still think he has a ton of upside that one day hopefully he’ll have a chance to figure out. I hate to be a Morrow fan and have to post this the day (or two or maybe even three) after he has been traded.

I absolutely loved the spin that was published at Lookout Landing and written by Matthew Carruth. As I said I am a big Morrow supporter, but I understood what we have and completely expected this trade for a number of reasons.

The biggest reason, that continues to comfort me with a move like this is the mid season move for Ian Snell. A solid young arm with good upside value. Gets a lot of ground ball outs and has great stuff to get swinging strikes leading to a good strikeout percentage.

There were people who “felt” someone like Jason Marquis would be a “great” fit in Seattle. Those people need to realize that we have someone better with even more potential in Snell.

Just consider for a moment Snell and his background. Any type of  upside that Morrow has is similar to what Snell is capable and has even displayed during his time in Pittsburgh. They both have control issues that you can see when they pitch or just comparing their BB/9% as well as K/BB ratio.

Taking a peek at the table below you can compare some of the following stats between the two pitchers.

Ian Snell
Brandon MorrowK/9K/BB%GB%LD%HR/FB%F-Strike%

Snell is 3 years older and while that does play a bit into his development,  he has shown beyond just moments to have the ability to pitch at a very high level. Morrow while showing his ability in brief segments (even in one entire game against the Yankees) fails to be consistent pitcher. Not that Snell is entirely that much better. But, to hope for a resurgence of 2007 from him isn’t crazy. But to even expect a lesser year similar to ’05, ’06 or even ’08 is respectable and more realistic.

Both pitchers struggle with their control as mentioned above, but with Snell’s track record you can at least depend on him to be an end of the rotation guy. Who knows, you may even get something more with him.

Morrow could not be counted on at this point in his development. He was still showing unpolished stuff in Tacoma and the likely hood of him being more than an reliable #5 starter (at best) wasn’t great. He has continued to show

We already hav excess pitching in the 5th spot with Petit, Vargas, Fister and Garrett Olson.

People may not have liked the return we got for him. Was it for another deal on the way? Was it a back alley agreement between the Mariners and the Jays during the Lee trade. Who knows. I don’t, and as much as anyone else can speculate no one knows except the two front offices.

Marc Hulett, has a great article at fangraphs on the young prospect Johermyn Chavez. Between him and League it’s a fine return and nothing to be ashamed to receive back for someone like Morrow. I think the biggest and hardest lump to swallow is the different reports that we’ve seen over the last couple months of a Gamel-Morrow swap or the Tigers trying to get him for Edwin Jackson. The only thing I know is Jack did the very best he could in the situation given. If anyone doubts that they need to go jump off the Narrows.

Honestly, as my last thought. I’m glad to have Morrow, Bedard and Silva gone. Less drama and less to associate to that other guy, Bill whatever his name was. Let the Josh Fields rumors begin.
