What a Year

I just got back from the game – what an awesome experience. There aren’t really words to describe how great of a game this was to be at – it had absolutely everything you could hope for. Felix was great, and getting his 19th win today might be enough to push him ahead of Greinke in the eyes of the voters. We gave Griffey a standing ovation every single time he came to the plate, but when he came out of the game in the eighth, that one was special. I don’t know if he’s done, but if he is, he went out like a champ.

The only disappointing thing for me, was the fact that Adrian Beltre struck out, in what probably was his last at bat as a Mariner. My section still tried to give him an ovation, or at least the people who knew what was going on did, but I wouldn’t expect a curtain call, or tip of the cap, from a guy who just struck out. Just know that we love you Adrian.

That’s really all I have to say for now – a fitting way to end a really special season. I know that this blog isn’t a huge blog – it’s not anywhere near as popular as the big ones like Lookout Landing or USS Mariner, but I think I speak for both Harrison and Taylor when I say thank you. Thanks to everyone who has come here to read or comment – it does mean a lot to us as we try to get the site out there. But don’t go away guys! We’ll continue blogging, all through the off season, as we slowly make our way towards 2010.

Finally, here are some of the photos I was able to get – unfortunately, my camera’s battery ran out around the 5th or 6th inning, so I didn’t get any pictures of the really special moments later in the game.

EDIT: Here are some great videos, courtesy of Megan over at Section 331.



Celebration 1:

Celebration 2:

Stay tuned :).

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